For with God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1:37. God's Solution Ministries (GSM) aka God's Solution Sanctuary (GSS) brings God's word of comfort and healing to everyone. We look forward to connecting with you and yours. Blessings.
God's Solution Sanctuary
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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Go out!

The LORD said, "Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD,….1 Kings 19:11
A certain man was instructed to ‘go out’ of a cave. A cave can be described as a hollow place in the ground or mountain. You are going to come out of every cave of depression, pain, hurt, distress and disappointment in Jesus name.
May you:
• Move into the limelight in Jesus name.
• Move into glory, into honor and success. What has held you back is cut off now in Jesus name, go out of the cave.
• Recover every blessing of yours that has been caged in a cave. It is set free now in Jesus mighty name. You are coming out of darkness, confusion and stumbling into the limelight of confidence, direction and progress.
If Elijah had continued staying in the cave, he would not have seen the glorious things that God did and heard the still small voice.
When Elijah stepped out of the cave, he saw: the mountains divided, broken into pieces; an earthquake, a powerful wind in action, the fire and heard the still small voice of guidance and direction.
• May every mountainous problem you face be brought low in Jesus name, so that the glory of God can be revealed in your life family and destiny.
• Every mountain will be made low, every crooked path will be made straight – difficult things will become easy and then the glory of God will rise upon you.
• May the earthquake you need to consume your problems and opposition, happen now in Jesus name!
• You are going to say (see Numbers 16:28-35): earth open and swallow every opposition against my life, family and destiny in Jesus mighty name!
• Pray: May the wind of God, sweep away every adversary of my soul, in Jesus name.
• Let the four winds scatter every evil plan, voice and words spoken into my life and destiny in Jesus name!
• Let the four winds bring my blessings from wherever they have been caged in Jesus name.
• Pray: Let every strongman behind my problems be swallowed in Jesus name!
• As the fire of God consumed those opposing Elijah, may the fire of God arrest my arresters, destroy their works and plans and set me free in Jesus name!
• The fire that destroys others will not destroy me in Jesus name! (Daniel 3).
• The fire that blesses and lifts up let it come upon me in Jesus mighty name! (Acts 2)
• Father, let me hear you, speak to me in your still small voice.
• Like the day of Pentecost, let your fire fall upon me, loose your Spirit upon my life, let there be a fresh outpouring of your Spirit and power like the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4, John 7:37-39; Romans 8:14).
• I come out of every cave of limitation in Jesus name
• I destroy every band of limitation against my life, family and destiny in Jesus mighty name.
• I go forward, I go upward in Jesus name!
• I go forth into the fulfillment of my glorious destiny, in Jesus name!
• Give thanks and ask God to save your soul, if you are not saved
• Lord, I will not be bypassed, I will not be sidelined, I will not be forgotten in Jesus name (Isaiah 30:18-19).
• As Pentecost represented a new beginning for the apostles, Jews and indeed the whole world; let new beginnings start for me today, in Jesus name.
• As God poured down blessings money cannot buy on the day of Pentecost, Father, pour down blessings money cannot buy on me today in Jesus name!
• Father, as the apostles and the name of Jesus came into the limelight, let me come into the limelight, I will not be hidden in Jesus name! • I will reach my goal in Jesus name!
• Lord, settle me
• Father, destroy every opposition against my life, family and destiny, in Jesus mighty name!
• Lord, shield me; deliver me from every evil attack and work.
• Personal prayer points.