For with God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1:37. God's Solution Ministries (GSM) aka God's Solution Sanctuary (GSS) brings God's word of comfort and healing to everyone. We look forward to connecting with you and yours. Blessings.
God's Solution Sanctuary
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Are you in His Presence?

In His Presence!
Are you in God’s presence? Are you in or out of His presence? How can I know when am out of His presence? How do I get back in? What or where is God’s presence?
The LORD said, "Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD,…1 Kings 19:11
• One of the things I have learnt over the years is there is nothing as pleasurable and fulfilling as being in the presence of God enjoying His mercy, guidance, direction and love.
• This is also the problem. How come being in His presence does not guarantee total freedom from pain and negative things.
  • Elijah was in God’s presence when he declared there would be no rain for 3 years; this got Ahab the murderer looking for him. He may have asked if I am in God’s presence doing His bidding why am I going through these problems.
• You may have asked the same questions or been in that situation. Everyone may seem to be against you. Elijah felt that way. David felt that way, you may have felt that way before – David was running from cave to cave after defeating goliath for the Israelites and King Saul, those he delivered and helped now wanted him dead. They were repaying good with evil.
• Will I stay in God’s presence as God commanded or expect that God must destroy the mountains and do what I want even if I refuse to listen to his call to come into His presence? God called Elijah to come again into His presence so Elijah can stand – overcome – his mountains.
• Uruguay player Luis Suarez was suspended for 4 months and banned from 9 games for biting the 3rd time and many hail him as a star, an hero and may be hoping to be like him.
• Only Jesus is the perfect example that you should aspire to (not politicians etc).
• When Elijah said I only I am left he was trying to be a type of Christ the only son who stayed committed to the Father despite the opposition, problems and pain.
• Will I remain committed in the face of pain? - like Jesus? When there is no shelter? No bank account or when the bank account is overdrawn - we were not told about Elijah’s bank account.
• Never equate money with God’s approval or righteousness. The Bible warns us in 1st Timothy 6:5 to steer clear of such attitudes and leanings. • Will I remain committed even when I have health challenges that refuse to go away like Timothy or a problem in my body like Paul?
• I heard the story of an Indian Christian who was killed together with his wife and 3 children for refusing to deny Jesus. He kept saying ’’Jesus is good and has been kind, there is no reason to deny Him’’; his wife was killed, then his first and second child. By the time they got to the third child, he was crying, his youngest daughter was crying, and looking at his 12 year old daughter, his daughter was looking at him too and he started to say…eh…eh trying to spare his younger daughter from death and his daughter told him ’’Daddy you can’t deny Jesus. He is good’’. Both daughter and father were killed. When bad things are happening to the righteous what should we do?
• Was Elijah on the run for doing evil? No! - for doing good!.
• In such times your only place of refuge and consolation is the presence of God. When bad things happen to the righteous what should they do? Come into His presence again.
• You may say that was where he was before he got into trouble and you are saying to go there again? - YES!
• What is the presence of God or more appropriately, where is the presence of God?
• Joel Morales was bullied for being short and underweight for his age until he committed suicide in August 2013 – in East Harlem, New York.
• April of last year Rehtaeh Parsons from Nova Scotia hanged herself after being raped by 4 boys and they spread the photos of the assault causing classmates to cyber bully her.
• Terrence Collier was bullied because of the color of his skin. What did he do to deserve that? What did the parents that adopted him do to deserve that? They may need to relocate to another city, look for other jobs - just for maintaining the right paths, not retaliating, bullying others or answering back: Very unfair!
• Where do you go when things are unfair and mountains need to be moved – the presence of God! The Presence of God David in his troubles said to God: You will show me the path of life: in your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand there are pleasures forevermore. (Psalm 16:11)
• There are 4 ways of accessing God’s presence, inter alia: the Holy Spirit, Word, Prayer and Prophecies.
  • As many as are saved have the Holy Spirit in them, when you allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you, you listen to Him and walk in His guidance, you are being directed, led by the Holy Spirit and in God’s presence.
  • Another way is through reading and studying the word of God.
  • Prayer is required to maintain communication with God, and
  • Prophecies of genuine men of God help you to prevail and obtain victory when things are not moving.
    • An example is when the children of Israel stopped building the temple in the book of Ezra, nothing was happening when mighty constructions should have been taking place until the prophets arose in Ezra 5:2 and things began to move, there was joy, fulfilment and accomplishment. Lay hold of prophecies for your much required accomplishments! (2 Chronicles 20:20).
• You may have done all before, notwithstanding come into His presence again to stand.
• Stand when things appear to be falling apart – by God’s help. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. (Ephesians 6:13)
• For you stand in need of patient endurance, so that, as the result of having done the will of God, you may receive the promised blessing. (Hebrews 10:36)
• Elijah must have thought what have I done to deserve this?
• He did stand on his mountain as he came into God’s presence
• What was running after him was taken care of:
• The threats of Jezebel were subdued.
• Ahab and the destruction of Baal and his prophets was no longer an issue or threat.
• He had total victory in His presence. God settled him in His presence.
• Here or in the hereafter God will surely settle you.
• There is someone here the enemy has swapped your provision. While praying towards this service I saw a prescribed medication in the fridge but the enemy came emptied it out and replaced it with something else. This is a double tragedy, because what the medication was supposed to do it will not do and something worse was introduced and you have used it mistakenly (I will not say more than this) but Jesus has stepped in to empty the container. However, our God is merciful and has come, emptied the container of the evil, replaced back the good and is extracting from your body every poison introduced and replacing with the good.
• Give thanks.
• Saved?
• Lord, help me to stay in your presence always.
• Father, help me to listen to the Holy Spirit, obey the Word, stay in the place of prayer and cling to your prophecies.
• Father, deliver victory, progress, healing, deliverance to me on a permanent basis in Jesus name!
• Personal prayer points.