For with God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1:37. God's Solution Ministries (GSM) aka God's Solution Sanctuary (GSS) brings God's word of comfort and healing to everyone. We look forward to connecting with you and yours. Blessings.
God's Solution Sanctuary
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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Athaliah will fail concerning you


A grandmother – Athaliah - killed her grandchildren so she could reign in their place; that is enjoy what her grandchildren should have been enjoying. She destroyed them, erased their future and destiny so they would not disturb her reign and enjoyment. This woman, reigned as a king for over 6 years, before she was deposed in the 7th year. The spirit of Athaliah will not prosper concerning your life, family and destiny in Jesus name.

The spirit of Athaliah has led to some people being dead while being alive, they are physically here but their royalty, honor, glory and rulership has been stolen or taken over by an Athaliah. You and yours will escape.

We know that no one who is a child of God lives in sin, but He who is God's Child keeps him, and the Evil one cannot touch him. (1 John 5:18)

Athaliah was killed, however, that did not bring the people she had killed back to life. The royal people she had killed remained dead.


You are going to pray:

1.      Lord protect me and all mine from every raging spirit.
2.      The spirit that prevents a person from laying hold on a notable blessing that is in sight shall not prosper concerning me in Jesus name
3.      The spirit of Athaliah will not be able to touch me and my family in Jesus name.
4.      I reject the spirit of Athaliah; spirit of Athaliah die in Jesus name.
5.      I take back, I recover completely everything stolen or destroyed by Athaliah by the resurrection power in the blood of Jesus in Jesus mighty name. Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!


In 2 chronicles 23:21, the people rejoiced after Athaliah was destroyed out of Jerusalem - God's land. As long as you totally belong to Christ, your life and all yours is God's land and you are going to rejoice because Athaliah will be destroyed out of your lands in Jesus name.

Your rejoicing starts now because your Athaliah and its related works are destroyed by fire now in Jesus mighty name.


1.      Every power that wants to destroy me before my day of glory, die in the name of Jesus.
2.      Every agenda and counsel of the wicked to destroy my God ordained glorious future, die in Jesus name.
3.      I will fulfill God's counsel for my life. I will walk on my high places, I take over my rightful glorious positions in Jesus mighty name.
4.      I unseat every servant riding on the horse of my destiny.
5.      I locate by fire my donkey and colt (my agents of divine advancement) in Jesus name. I ride on my God ordained agents of advancement in Jesus' glorious name


Recently a shooter killed his colleagues at a college in the US, killing 9; destroying their potential, the achievement of their God ordained glorious destiny and their ability to ride on their high places. The devil will not get you. Your life and destiny will not be cut short in Jesus name. I pray for you that nothing will stop God’s plan of glory, honour and lifting for you and yours in Jesus name.