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God's Solution Sanctuary
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Develop The Mindset that Conquers -The Joseph - Like Mindset


Develop The Mindset that Conquers -The Joseph - Like Mindset

Egypt is at your disposal, so settle your father and brothers in the best part of the land! Let them live in the Goshen territory. If you learn that any of them are especially skilled, put them in charge of my livestock.” (Genesis: 47. 6)

Joseph was brought to the land of Egypt as a slave purchased with only 20 shekels of silver (some Biblical scholars estimate this to be approximately $200).

As a servant, God was with him, He blessed him in all that he laid his hands on. Joseph was a blessing to those around him, yet, he had his challenges of being sold into a foreign land, sexual temptation, false allegations and imprisonment. He never complained, he faced the challenges while still loving, trusting God and helping others around him (Genesis 39). His challenges did not stand tall on him, rather, Joseph stood tall on his circumstances. He saw God in his tests and trials and raised God above all! 

Even when men forgot him in prison, Joseph forgot himself in the hands of the God of man and he never stopped serving! 

At God's appointed time; when He knew that Joseph was ready for the throne, God showed up; He lifted him from the prison to the palace! Then the land of his slavery; the land that he served became the land that served him and his household. Even his household enemies whom God used at the time to move him closer to his destiny became his beneficiaries! (Genesis 37)

Note that lying beneath those trials are your glorious testimonies of lifting and enlargement. 

Like Joseph, do you rule over your challenges even when it is most difficult or you allow your challenges or difficult situations to rule over you? Are you discouraged and weighed down by your troubles or you weigh your troubles down through faith in God, acting on His Word, and by being an encourager to someone? Do you feed your challenges with your tears, worries and anxiety daily or you starve them by trusting and rejoicing in the Lord even when it appears difficult? Do you ask: "God why me?" Or you ask: "God what do you want me to know and learn from these challenges?" Do you ask for God to take away the challenge? You may want to have a rethink - perhaps it abides to keep you on your knees and closer to God. Are you left tired, dry and empty or you tap into God's grace, strength and enablement to keep you going without wavering? God's grace is sufficient for you (2 Corinthians 12:8-9). I don't know what circumstance you are in right now, (challenges maritally, financially, spiritually, health- wise, over your children, job/career, ministry, academic, etc.) but whatever it is, you can turn your situation around in your favour by developing the Joseph-like mindset. You have to first decide like Joseph that you will not let the problem weigh you down anymore. Worries, discouragement or fear are only hindrances. God is beautiful for all situations. Ask Him for grace to give it all to HIM. Trust Him; let God lead while you follow in obedience. Enslave any kind of sin by making God the Ruler over your life. Let His spirit guide you in all ways either it is convenient or not. Pray in faith without ceasing.
Patiently fulfill your own part of the plan, let go and let the Master Planner - the same God of Joseph make you a champion above your challenges, a testifier over your tests and trials and a controller of the land of your captivity. Yes it can happen if you are ready to see God in your challenges. 

As a slave/a servant/a prisoner, Joseph did not give up, rather he developed a champion's mindset. Of course, there would be moments Joseph would feel tired, weighed down or even nostalgic, yet, he overcame; he tapped into God’s divine strength and enablement because he knew that God was with him through it all. God is ever ready to help you like He helped him. God will be with you in the water or fire, they will not drown or burn you (Isaiah 43:2). Remember that God makes champions out of those who are willing to pay the challenging price - trusting and waiting on Him no matter how difficult or how long.   Why the long wait? So that they are prepared and well - equipped to handle the greatness when it comes! A thousand years is like a day to God, which explains why it may seem long to wait on Him. However, it pays to wait on Him every moment of your life. Are you a Christian? Remember Psalm 34:19. Challenges will come but we'll overcome all as we continually trust in God to see us through. Also remember that God allows some challenges in our lives to make us stronger, firmer and be well prepared for next level of promotion (Romans 8:28).  If you obey and trust in Him, God will not let you pass through  temptations that are beyond you, you will overcome because He is faithful to see you through, like He has promised. (1 Corinthians 10:13).

You are not a believer in Christ yet?
Life would be more challenging without the burden bearer (JESUS) in your life. Only He (if you let Him) can make your burden lighter as you pass through the tough times or difficult challenges life poses at you. God gave His Only Son Jesus to die for you so that you can have life and peace forever (John 3:16). Invite Jesus into your situation today, He is beckoning. He will exchange your heavy burden for His light burden, He will pass through the challenges with you, guiding you by His Holy Spirit to give you victory Matthew (11:28).

Are you willing to let go and let God? If you are ready, then pray like this:
Lord Jesus, I confess and forsake my sins today, please forgive me all my sins, cleanse me by your blood. I accept you as my Lord. Come into my life today.  I surrender my life and all my challenges to you now. Please, lead me by Your Holy Spirit while I follow you. Thank you Lord, in Jesus name. Congratulations! You are now born again. If you don't have a Bible, try and get one and begin to read to learn more about Jesus and His ways. Find a Bible-believing church near you and be worshiping with God's people. If you are near us, you are welcome to worship with us.

I pray for you now: receive the grace to allow God's mighty Hands in your situations; to declare HIM LORD over any situation you are passing through now; to hold steadfastly unto Him; to keep standing tall on your challenges; to wait patiently on Him, to start experiencing victory on all sides, enjoying God's Divine lifting and strength and never looking back again, in Jesus name! Blessings!