For with God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1:37. God's Solution Ministries (GSM) aka God's Solution Sanctuary (GSS) brings God's word of comfort and healing to everyone. We look forward to connecting with you and yours. Blessings.
God's Solution Sanctuary
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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October 2022 fasting and prayer points



1.     In Ephesians 1:3, the Bible states: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. Bless God with all that is within you.


2.     Confess your sins and ask for forgiveness from God, praying that the blood of Jesus cleans you and all yours. If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer. Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw his unfailing love from me. (Psalm 68:18-20)


3.     Psalm 95:1 says: Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Praise him with songs of worship and thanksgiving.



4.     10 stands for:

·       Significance

·       Completion or completeness


This means that good and great things that have commenced in your life, family, career, finances, ministry, and destiny will be gloriously completed.


Where good things are yet to start, the “1” signifies a new beginning. Good and great things will start in your life and be completed because faithful is He who has called you who also will do it.


I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return]. Philippians 1:6


What has caged you or limited you will give way in this tenth month.


the waters decreased continually until the tenth month. In the tenth month, on the first day of the month, the tops of the mountains were seen. Genesis 8:5


Your problems will decrease continually till they are not seen anymore, and your miracles will appear in the name of Jesus.


You will move from being unknown to being known, respected, and celebrated in this tenth month and beyond in the name of Jesus.


So Esther was taken to King Ahasuerus, into his royal palace, in the tenth month, which is the month of Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign. Esther 2:16


·       Her words now mattered

·       Her appearance was respected

·       Her words became law

·       When she calls one, multitudes answered


Therefore, I pray for you, that:

·       Your words will matter in the name of Jesus.

·       Your appearance will be respected in Jesus’ name.

·       Your words will carry authority and power of God and will be undisputable by the kingdom of darkness in Jesus name.

·       When you call one, multitudes will answer in Jesus mighty name.


Pray the following prayers loud and clear:



5.     In this tenth month and beyond, no evil shall befall me in the name of Jesus.


6.     Good things that have commenced in my life, family, career, academics, business, finances, health, ministry, and destiny will be brought to a glorious completion in Jesus’ name.


7.     Good and great things that are yet to start in my life, family, career, academics, health, business, finances, ministry, and destiny will start this month in the name of Jesus.


8.     I move from being unknown to known, to being respected and celebrated in this tenth month and beyond in the name of Jesus.


9.     I will move into my ordained palace and place of flourishing in the name of Jesus.


10. My words will matter in the name of Jesus.


11. My appearance will be respected in the name of Jesus.


12. My words become full of authority and God's power in the name of Jesus.


13. When I call one, multitudes will answer in the name of Jesus.


14. Oppression of orphans expire in Jesus’ name.


15. Father protect children and deliver oppressed children all over the world in Jesus’ name.


16. Father, you are a man of war, destroy coronavirus and its variants out of lives, families, our communities, and nations in Jesus’ name.


17. Father, heal those who are sick and restore losses suffered during this pandemic in Jesus’ name.


18. Father, comfort those who have lost loved ones and in your own supernatural way, make a way for them in Jesus’ name.


19. Father let churches and ministries grow, let the power and light of God destroy evil and darkness in lives, families, communities, and nations in Jesus mighty name.


20. Let the power of God rest mightily on God’s Solution Ministries in Jesus name.


21. Let nations flow into and be established in God’s Solution Ministries, let there be supernatural growth and increase on all fronts in Jesus’ name.


22. Let every imagination and counsel of the wicked against God’s Solution Ministries fail in Jesus’ name.


23. Enchantment of evil powers targeted against me and my family, go back to senders in Jesus’ name.


24. I will flourish, I will reach my goal and fulfill my God given destiny by the power in the blood of Jesus.


25. What has caged me and limited me and my family, career, finances, business, ministry and destiny will give way in this tenth month in the name of Jesus.


26. Father, perfect and complete all that concerns me in this tenth month and beyond in the name of Jesus.


27. Lord, let all my problems decrease continually in this tenth month and let my miracles appear in the name of Jesus.


28. Take your personal prayer points.


29. Personalize the declarations in point 4 above.


30. Give thanks because: this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he hears us: And if we know that he hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. (1 John 5:14-15).