For with God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1:37. God's Solution Ministries (GSM) aka God's Solution Sanctuary (GSS) brings God's word of comfort and healing to everyone. We look forward to connecting with you and yours. Blessings.
God's Solution Sanctuary
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

September 2015 Messages


Sunday September 6, 2015

The Miracles of Jesus – He is a Lunatic and Epileptic!

In Matthew 17:14-18, a father brought his son to Jesus, but Jesus was not there! He spoke to the disciples of Jesus about the facts and reality of what his son and family was going through. He said his son is a lunatic and epileptic. The actual problem was different from what he knew and was describing.

How do you properly identify the root cause of a problem to ensure appropriate solutions are applied? How do you differentiate between facts, reality and the truth? How do you address strange strongholds?

  • A lunatic is defined as a person who is “considered mentally ill, dangerous, foolish or unpredictable”.
  • This informal word also refers to a person who cannot control himself or herself and acts in an inappropriate manner as if controlled by unseen forces.
  • Jesus rebuked the foul spirit and it left the boy.

Ø  Jesus did not rebuke lunacy, mental illness, lack of control,  or epilepsy, gnashing of teeth, foaming at the mouth etc.

Ø  Jesus rebuked the ‘dumb and deaf spirit’ behind the problem (Mark 9:25)

  • The Merriam-Webstar dictionary defines epilepsy as “any of various disorders marked by abnormal electrical discharges in the brain and typically manifested by sudden brief episodes of altered or diminished consciousness, involuntary movements, or convulsions”
  • It is medically explained as “a disorder of the nervous system that can cause people to suddenly become unconscious and to have violent, uncontrolled movements of the body”
  • Similar to the treatment of lunacy, Jesus did not rebuke epilepsy of disorder of the nervous system, Jesus rebuked the dumb and deaf spirit behind the problem.
  • There is a difference between fact, reality and truth.
  •  The boy was in fact a lunatic based on his behaviour and actions
  • The stress the father, mother, siblings and family members were going through was the reality of their everyday lives so the fact was being faced daily and this was reality.
  • The pain, seeming hopelessness was reality.
  • However, the truth is that the boy was not a lunatic
  • The boy did not have epilepsy, was not epileptic but was calm gentle, not in danger, brings joy not stress to the family members.
  • How do you move from fact and reality to the Truth?
  • How do you apply the Truth to change your everyday reality and facts from the despicable to the desirable; from the painful to joyful and from pain to gain?                                                                                                              

How do you address difficult strongholds?

  • You need to know the “problem” behind your “problem” - so you are not wasting time on symptoms while ignoring the root cause of the problem
  • For example, Jesus saw the woman bound with the spirit of infirmity and understood properly that she was bound by Satan. Doctors may have diagnosed that based on X-ray, MRI scans etc. that her bones need straightening, she needs more calcium, she needs physiotherapy etc.
  • Jesus saw and rebuked the ‘deaf and dumb spirit’ behind the problem not lunacy and epilepsy
  • You need to ask God to open your eyes and grant you understanding regarding the situation you are facing
  • Rebuke the problem. i.e. removing the hand of the enemy and declaration of what you need
  • Unwavering trust, faith and worship



          Give thanks.

          If you are not sure your name is in the book of life, take the prayers on the New Life page.

          Father, open my eyes to see and know the problem behind my problems in Jesus name

          Every root cause of my problems be uprooted from the root by fire in Jesus name

          Evil agenda of stagnancy, loss, retrogression die in Jesus name.

          Promotion, increase, favour, positive progression is my portion in Jesus mighty name.

          Father, greatness is my portion in Jesus mighty name!

          Every plan of shame, disgrace, stagnancy, retrogression, ill health for me and my family scatter in Jesus name.

          I destroy every evil work against me in Jesus name.

          Personal prayer points


Sunday September 13, 2015

The Miracles of Jesus – "Why couldn't we cast out that demon?"!

When the disciples of Jesus could not cast out the demons behind the manifestations of epilepsy and lunacy, they met Jesus, the Master privately and asked Him why. Jesus identified unbelief, lack of faith to make the impossible possible and prayer and fasting as a panacea to turn around stubborn and unyielding situations.

  • Unbelief will prevent you from accessing God’s best for you

From Judges 20: How to win a difficult battle

  • The Israelites were fighting against injustice. A woman, the wife of a priest was raped and abused all night until she died.

1. The children of Israel

 i) went to the house of God in v18

ii) asked God if they should go and who should go first, i.e. the battle plans,

they followed God's battle plan but they were soundly defeated by the sinful, detestable Benjamites who had blood on their hands.

2. In vs 22-23 they

i) asked God again, this time

ii) falling down before God

iii) with weeping

and they were still defeated.

3. In vs 26-28, they

i) asked God

(ii) fell down before God

(iii) with weeping,

(IV) with fasting

(v) with sacrifices and offering - praise and worship and

  • God gave them a unique battle plan which defeated the enemy hands down
  • God told them they will win on this 3rd occasion and they won
  • Don’t give up, follow God’s battle plan, you will win and come out well in the end.
  • Fasting and prayer grants you insight to know the deep and secret things
    • This enables you to act appropriately…not beating the air…wasting your time, efforts and life
    • It prevents shame
    • It guarantees success and accomplishments
    • You engage the Lord to fight for you through fasting, prayer and praise…ask Paul and Barnabas (Acts 16:22-34)
  • The LORD himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.“
  •                                                                                                 (Exodus 14:14).
  • For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall you be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: (Isaiah 30:15a).
  • Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5)
  • You may have been losing the battle to things and those that should not be able to defeat you...once...twice...etc.
  • Be rest assured you will win
  • Add fasting, praise and worship to your asking
  • You are sure to will win. Victory is sure
  • Go and win and bring in the spoils in Jesus name! Amen! Amen!! and Amen!!! In Jesus name! Amen!!!!



          Give thanks.

          If you are not sure your name is in the book of life, take the prayers on the New Life page.

          Father, grant me the grace to wait on you in fasting and prayer

          Lord, help me to listen to you, give me the strategies to overcome and help me to obey you

          Lord expose the problems behind my problems in Jesus mighty name

          Father, grant me total victory over every problem of my life, family and destiny

          Promotion, increase, favour, positive progression is my portion in Jesus mighty name.

          Father, greatness is my portion in Jesus mighty name!

          Every plan of shame, disgrace, stagnancy, retrogression, ill health for me and my family scatter in Jesus name.

          I destroy every evil work against me in Jesus name.

          Personal prayer points


 Sunday September 20, 2015


The Miracles of Jesus – The solution: Money from the mouth of a fish?

Text: Matthew 17:24-27

Pertinent questions

Ø  Do fishes still exist?

Ø  Does money and other needs still exist?

Ø  Can money and solutions still be found in the mouth of fishes?

Ø  Money can be used to represent needs that people have to address difficult situations like tax arrears, rent, mortgage, marriage, mental, health issues etc.

How do you obtain your solution?

Ø  Understand that God is unlimited and can do all things

  • In 2 Kings 4:1-7, Elisha asked of the woman in debt “what do you have in the house?”

ü  The woman had oil and God used oil.

ü  God could have used flour, clothes, shoes etc.

ü   God is unlimited and could have used anything.

  • In 2 Kings 6:1-7, when a borrowed axe head sank and was lost, God through Prophet Elisha used a stick to raise a metal that sank into river Jordan.

ü  Only God can do this!

How do you obtain your solution?

Ø  Listening to instructions

Ø  Hearing clearly

Ø  Accepting it no matter how foolish or ridiculous it may sound so you don't lose out like Peter the rock who lost the ministry to the gentiles

§  you can lose out through doubting, questioning and failure to execute

§  if you don't accept you can't execute

Ø   Execute the instructions

execute the instruction to obtain your much desired miracle e.g. bonus converted to USD          


    Knowing that many people hold money dear to the heart; If you don’t appreciate that God is unlimited, listen to him, hear him clearly, accept the instructions and execute on them, how will you cope on issues that are not related to money.          

Ø  Clear listening and execution is required for absolute obedience which enables you to hear the trumpet sound on the day of rapture

Ø  Hearing at this time enables your body to be changed and transformed to be like the Lord’s glorious body on that day.



          Give thanks.

         If you are not sure your name is in the book of life, take the prayers on the New Life page.

          Father, help me to understand and walk in the understanding that you are unlimited.

          Lord, help me to hear and accept what you are telling me. Guide me oh God.

          Lord, give me to execute the instructions you give me and obtain my desired solutions.

          Father, do not let me miss the rapture in Jesus name.

          Promotion, increase, favour, positive progression is my portion in Jesus mighty name.

          Father, greatness is my portion in Jesus mighty name!

          Every plan of shame, disgrace, stagnancy, retrogression, ill health for me and my family scatter in Jesus name.

          I destroy every evil work against me in Jesus name.

          Personal prayer points


 Sunday September 27, 2015


The Miracles of Jesus – The touch and instant healing: The two blind men

Text: Matthew 20:29-34


v  What does the touch of Jesus represent?

v  What does it take to experience the touch?

v  What happens after the touch?

v  Sustaining the experience

v  What does it take to experience the touch?

ü  Be a listener! The blind men were listeners

§  they listened and heard what could help them

§  some listen without hearing

§  some hear, without understanding – an appreciation of what it means for their life and destiny….

   many lepers were in Israel in the time of Elisha but only a foreigner – Naaman a Syrian – listened, heard and understood what he heard, the potential implications

§  may you hear and understand the implications of what you have heard, are hearing and what you will yet hear in Jesus mighty name

ü  They acted on what they heard

§  just like Naaman acted on what he heard and received a transformation – a new skin, social life, acceptance, immediate healing:

§  the blind men acted on what they heard

   they shouted

   asked for mercy

   refused to listen to detractors

   refused to be dissuaded by distractions

ü  in the case of Naaman, the journey to Israel, first to the king and then to the prophet and then to river Jordan

ü  the attendant shame of seeking for help, coming out and admitting that this is a problem

ü  A leper is not supposed to be in the midst of ‘whole’ people. He despised the shame…like Jesus (Hebrews 12:2)

§  they were specific in their request

§  Jesus touched them and they instantly began to see

v  Will you accept the touch?

ü  It is a touch of wonder, a touch of transformation, the touch that brings wonder and transformation into your life

ü  He can transform your situation, may you experience His transformation in Jesus name

§  The lepers accepted the touch and they were healed

§  They did not doubt that the touch will make them whole

§  They did not question if Jesus can or will heal them

§  They accepted the touch

§  Will you accept the touch of healing and transformation today?


Say: I accept the touch of Jesus, His touch will heal me, Jesus’ touch will cause of transformation in my life, family and destiny, it will bring about positive changes in Jesus mighty name! Amen!

Receive the touch now in the name of Jesus!

v  Sustaining the experience

ü  Follow Jesus in the Way…He is the Way, the Truth and the Life


          Give thanks.

             If you are not sure your name is in the book of life, take the prayers on the New Life page.

          Father, touch me (mention the area of your life you want Him to touch)

          Everything resisting the touch of God in my life, family and destiny, die in Jesus name

          Every opposition against my receiving the touch of God, die in Jesus name.

          Lord, order my steps to be at the right place at the right time in Jesus name.

          My time and hour of divine selection and greatness will not pass me by.

          Promotion, increase, favour, positive progression is my portion in Jesus mighty name.

          Every plan of shame, disgrace, stagnancy, retrogression, ill health for me and my family scatter in Jesus name.

          I destroy every evil work against me in Jesus name. 

          Personal prayer points