For with God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1:37. God's Solution Ministries (GSM) aka God's Solution Sanctuary (GSS) brings God's word of comfort and healing to everyone. We look forward to connecting with you and yours. Blessings.
God's Solution Sanctuary
Monday, March 31, 2025

February 2016 Messages


Walking in Holiness! 

February 7, 2016

15 But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; 

16Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. (1 Peter 1:15-16)

          The love of God constrains us, when a person lies, and add to the lies instead of going back to correct the previous lie, knowing fully well that all liars are going to hell, there is a problem.

          Knowing that we did not save ourselves, the power that saved us and raised Jesus from the dead is available to make us live holy. That same power quickens our mortal bodies to obey God.

          When alcohol, drinking, drug abuse, fornication or adultery is  in control of an individual and the individual lacks the power to say no or control himself/herself, there is a problem.

          Holiness/obedience is the pathway to rewards (Job 36:11-12). Walking in obedience is by grace. The grace has been given to you when you accepted Jesus as Lord and saviour. You only have to continue in that grace.

1.       Allow the grace to teach you:

11  For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, 12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live sensibly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; 13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ; 14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a people for his own, zealous of good works. 15 These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise you. (Titus 2)


2.      Labour, walk in the grace: But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me. (1 Corinthians 15:10)

3.      Be compelled/constrained by love: 2 Corinthians 5:14-15


4.      Walking in holiness, therefore is by trusting in God that He will keep you as you keep yourself from sins and disobedience (1 John 5:18). This is supported by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. The love of God strengthens us to obey Him, this love was given to us when we accepted Jesus. Growing in holiness supports sanctification and progressive sanctification supports your consecration.

          Jesus is able to save you completely, to the uttermost, because He is also praying for you (Hebrews 7:25)



          Give thanks.

          Are you saved? If not please pray the prayers on the Life page before continuing the prayers

          Lord, save me to the uttermost, save me completely make me abide in you till the end.

          Father, destroy every power working against my progress and advancement in Jesus name.

          Father, supernatural lifting and promotion is my portion in Jesus name.

          Personal prayer points.

          Give thanks


Dealing with the serpent that bites without enchantment

February 14, 2016


          If a snake bites before it is charmed, the charmer receives no fee. (NIV)

If a snake bites before you charm it, what's the use of being a snake charmer? (NLT)

Surely the serpent will bite without enchantment; and a babbler is no better. (KJV)

If a serpent strikes despite being charmed, there's no point in being a snake charmer. (ISV)

If the snake should bite before it is charmed, the snake charmer is in trouble. (NET)

 Ecclesiastes 10:11

          God through Jesus has made a way for you to live under his protection and mercy. God loves you unconditionally. You are His valentine, every day, every moment. Hallelujah.

          When I was in the University, I was living with several students as a tenant in a townhouse sort of building; I once saw a black mamba behind the house, looking very slithery and dangerous.  As you are probably aware, a black mamba could be 2-4.5 metres long (6.6 – 14.5ft long) and is one of the fastest moving snakes (up to 11km/hr over short distances). This snake is capable of striking at a considerable distance and may deliver a series of bites in quick succession. Luckily for us, the snake was killed by the landlord of the house. Any serpent after you or yours will be destroyed before they can strike in Jesus name. They shall be destroyed in Jesus mighty name!

          The Hebrew word (nachash) used for the serpent in Genesis 3:1 means snake. The word appears at least 38 times in the Bible.

          The serpent needs to be dealt with, because according to Isaiah 14:29, the root of the snake is a viper and its fruit is a fiery flying snake.

          There was a situation where a green snake was found in bedroom of my wife and I in Lagos, Nigeria not long after we got married. I was at work at the time and thank God, my brother in law killed the snake before it could do any harm. There is a need to be watchful, where you least expect, the enemy may be hiding, lurching to attack, he will not get you and yours in Jesus name.

          In 1 Peter 5:8, the Bible describes the devil as serpent seeking, searching for whom he may devour; that is whom he may eat up.  You have probably heard about anacondas and snakes swallowing a person alive or the 2013 New Brunswick python attack that strangled two boys after escaping from a pet store. You don’t joke with snakes.

          While playing together with my friends in High School, when we should be in class learning and listening to the teacher, we were in the bush to pluck fruits and saw a green snake perched on  the branch of a tree with green leaves; by God’s mercy I was unarmed. There is possibility of being harmed by snakes when you stray away from where you should be to where you should not be. Praying God keep you and all yours safe in Jesus name.


          There a serpents you see and ones you don't see. The Bible describes satan as walking to and fro through the earth. Have you ever seen the devil walking to and fro (Job 1:7, 2:2).. any sightings?

          In Luke 10:19, the Bible empowers us to trample on serpents, we should also resist the devil by being steadfast in faith, the devil tempted Jesus and returned after a season; so keep on moving on in God; be steadfast, unmoveable always abounding, increasing in your knowledge of God and working with Him, because the your archenemy your sworn adversary does not rest but wants to bite without enchantment; he will not bite you in Jesus name, he will not bite yours, your destiny or purposes, you will not be smitten or wounded in this race.

          It is difficult to fly when one of your wings is wounded, I heard of a plane that crashed because one of its engines malfunctioned, even though it had at least two engines before the incident. The devil will not succeed in slowing you down; in this year and forever, you will fly in Jesus name. 

          Deliverance from the serpent that bites before enchantment therefore requires an understanding that the serpent represents the devil, he needs to be charmed, arrested and prevented from biting; otherwise the bite could be deadly or out rightly dangerous. If a charmer, someone who possesses the power to render the snake powerless to harm does not apply his skill and knowledge, then he will be bitten like ordinary men. Jesus said I have given you power to tread upon, walk on (even though it may be slippery, and ordinarily you should fall) serpents and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy and it shall not harm you or hurt you.

          Some snakes will spit into the eyes of their victims to blind them before attacking (2 Corinthians 4:4) the effect of the blindness has to be removed before responding. The serpent that bites without control is like the Assyrian that attacks without provocation just because he has successfully destroyed or subdued others; your adversaries will be confounded in Jesus name.

How do you defeat the serpent?

  1. Submit yourself to God (James 4:7)
  2. Charm the serpent: You need to charm the devil and every serpentine representative of his with the word of God. Goliath was charmed and unable to move his head until the stone hit his head.
  3. Trample, step on the serpent (Luke 10:19; Mark 16:18)
  4. Resist the devil and all his serpent agents (1 Peter 5:9), remain steadfast in your faith, remember, that after Jesus defeated the devil when he tempted Jesus, it was recorded in Luke 4:13 that the devil left Jesus alone for a season, this means be always ready for when the devil comes back
  5. Declare what will happen to the serpent (1 Samuel 17: 45-47)
  6. Crush the head of the serpent (Genesis 3:15)
  7. Cut off its head (1 Samuel 17:48-51)



1. Give Thanks

2.                   2. Are you saved? If not please pray the prayers on the Life page before continuing the prayers. 

3. I destroy every plan of serpents against my life, family and destiny in Jesus name.

4. Every serpent posing as a friend, be revealed and disgraced in Jesus name.

5. Serpents will not be able to fulfil their plans or enterprise concerning my life, family and destiny in Jesus name.

6. I uproot every evil seed and planting that make me susceptible to attacks of serpents in Jesus name.

7. I am delivered from every venom and effects of previous attacks of serpents in Jesus name.

8. Serpents of my father’s and mother’s houses, die in Jesus name.

9. By the blood of Jesus, I receive deliverance from every identification mark that can make serpents come after me in Jesus name.

10. Holy Ghost fire, consume every work of the enemy in my life, family and destiny in Jesus name.

11. My life and destiny shall not be cut short in Jesus name.

12. I will fulfill God’s plan for my life in Jesus name.

13. I will prosper, be lifted and walk upon my high places in Jesus name.

14. I receive a 7-fold restoration of everything I have lost to the enemy in Jesus name.

15. Personal prayer points.

16. Give thanks.


Deliverance for the captives – soul, spirit and body – part 1

February 21, 2016

24Can the prey be taken from the mighty, or the captives of a tyrant be rescued? 25For thus says the LORD: “Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken, and the prey of the tyrant be rescued,
for I will contend with those who contend with you, and I will save your children.
26I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh, and they shall be drunk with their own blood as with wine. Then all flesh shall know that I am the LORD your Savior, and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.”

                                                                                                                                (Isaiah 49:24-26)

Jesus represents light and satan represents darkness, being delivered therefore demands an introduction of light to eliminate darkness. Your speed is determined by how much light you have. Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12, 11:10).  When you walk in Him and with Him by reading, studying the word of God and allowing the Holy Spirit teach you, you will not stumble in life. When you are in a dark room without light and you have to walk around in a room full of furniture, you are very likely to bump into things and move very slowly, but as soon as you turn on the light you are able to move quickly through the room without getting hurt. As you lay hold on the word of God, the light of life, I see you making supernatural progress, stumbling becomes a thing of the past in Jesus mighty name!

Bible says in Him was life and the life is the light of men (John 1:4, Psalms 36:9). His life gives you light, that life gives life, quickens, and makes alive whatever was dead in you so it begins to live again.

A man with leprosy came to Jesus, once you see the man you see his problem, you know at once that he is leprous. Leprosy therefore represents any problem that is attached to you, or problems people have come to associate with you. The man asked Jesus: ”Lord if you are willing make me clean”, Jesus stretched out his hand, touched him, saying “I will, be clean” and immediately he was healed from his leprosy. Someone will receive a touch from Jesus today and be clean from their infirmity in Jesus name.

A certain man had a situation that when he is sleeping, he dreams of being flogged, caned, beaten in the dream and when he wakes up he sees the marks on his body. When he came for prayer, God gave an instruction to give him a hug and pray with him, he testified that the situation had been taken care of and all the marks disappeared. What demonic powers had done in the night was manifesting during the day. Another brother, whenever he had a particular type of dream, would end up either losing his job, failing an exam or whatever good thing was coming his way would be lost: the good news is that God delivered him. There is nothing our God cannot do for you as you trust Him.  I command every demonic affliction on your body to evaporate now in Jesus name. Consider Abraham in Romans 4:17-21, even though from the physical standpoint, everything needed to produce a baby was dead – his own body and his wife’s womb, yet the couple had a son and laughter was their end result of their initial barrenness of 25 years (Genesis 21:1)

You need light to move with speed just as no airplane flies without light.


How do I obtain my deliverance?

1.     Come to Jesus: In Matthew 11:28. Jesus said, come to me all of you who are labouring, tired, weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Come to Jesus.

2.     Bow down and worship Him:  In Mark 7:25-30, a Greek woman, born in Phoenician,  Syria; not only came to Jesus, she fell at His feet and worshipped Him by calling Him Lord. She had a problem, her child was demon possessed, she got her miracle and her daughter was completely healed. Her daughter who had been cruelly demon possessed and was suffering terribly was delivered. You will be delivered today from every work of darkness as you worship Jesus, the great deliverer in Jesus name.

3.     Another example is the mad man of Garasenes in Mark 5:1-20, he was a mad man among mad men, the type that mad men would see and say that is a mad man coming. This man was living in a cemetery where the dead is buried, they could not bind him, he would break the chains, but when he saw Jesus he ran to Him, bowed down and worshipped. Jesus told the demons to leave the man alone and he was made completely free. You will be made free as you seek Him in Jesus name.  Seek the light: In Psalms 112:4, the Bible states that: Light arises in the darkness for the upright; He is gracious and compassionate and righteous.

To the righteous light arises in darkness, where there was darkness, as you introduce light, light takes over, darkness cannot struggle with light, the dominion of light over darkness is automatic. I see light overcoming every darkness in your life in Jesus name.

The LORD will increase you more and more, you and your children. (Psalm 115:14)



1. Give thanks

2. Are you saved? If not please pray the prayers on the Life page before continuing the prayers.

3. Lord, I come to you, receive me, accept me and touch me in Jesus name.

4. Every longstanding problem in my life and family, give way now in Jesus name 5. I am delivered from every work of darkness now in Jesus name.

6. Addictions and yokes of the enemy, break from my life in Jesus name.

7. Failure at the edge of breakthrough an end has come to your reign in my life, family and destiny in Jesus name.

8. I receive deliverance from antagonism, rejection, regression, retrogression and backwardness of every kind in Jesus mighty name!

9. I reject loss of every kind in Jesus mighty name

10. Promotion, increase and supernatural lifting is my portion in Jesus name.

11. Every agenda of the kingdom of darkness for me and my family backfire in Jesus name.

12. Peace and prosperity is my portion in Jesus mighty name.

13. Personal prayer points

14. Give thanks