For with God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1:37. God's Solution Ministries (GSM) aka God's Solution Sanctuary (GSS) brings God's word of comfort and healing to everyone. We look forward to connecting with you and yours. Blessings.
God's Solution Sanctuary
Saturday, October 26, 2024

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August 2015 Messages
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March 2016 Messages
May 2016 Messages
Archive Prayers
2018 Prayer and Fasting: Year of Exception and Exemption
2021 Prayer and Fasting: Rapturous Year of Joy and Bliss
April 2016 Fasting and Prayer Points
April 2017 Fasting and Prayer Points
April 2018 fasting and prayer points
April 2019 Fasting Prayer Points (April 1st to 3rd)
April 2021 Fasting Prayer Points (1st to 3rd)
August 2015 Fasting Prayer Points
August 2016 Fasting and Prayer Points
August 2017 Fasting and Prayer Points
August 2018 Fasting Prayer Points
August 2019 Fasting Prayer Points (1st to 3rd)
August 2020 fasting and prayer points
August 2021 Fasting and Prayer Points
December 2015 Fasting Prayer Points
December 2016 Fasting Prayer Points
December 2017 Fasting and Prayer Points
December 2018 Fasting Prayer Points
December 2019 Fasting and Prayer Points (Dec. 1st – 3rd)
December 2020 Fasting and Prayer Points
December 2021 Fasting Prayer Points
February 2016 Fasting Prayer Points
February 2018 Fasting and Prayer
February 2019 Fasting Prayer Points (Feb 1st - 3rd)
February 2020 Fasting and Prayer Points (Feb. 1st – 3rd)
February 2021 Fasting Prayer Points
January 2015 Fasting and Prayer Points
January 2016 Prayer and Fasting: Year of Supernatural Lifting
January 2019 Fasting and Prayer Points
January 2020 Fasting Prayer Points: I move into Glowing Glory
July 2016 Fasting and Prayer Points
July 2017 Fasting and Prayer Points
July 2018 Fasting Prayer Points
July 2019 Fasting and Prayer Points (July 1st – 3rd)
July 2021 Fasting and Prayer Points
June 2015 Fasting Prayer Points (June 1st to 3rd)
June 2016 Fasting and Prayer Points
June 2017 Fasting and Prayer Points
June 2018 Fasting and Prayer Points
June 2019 Fasting and Prayer Points (June 1st – 3rd)
June 2021 Fasting and Prayer Points
March 2016 Fasting Prayer Points
March 2017 Fasting and Prayer Points
March 2018 Fasting Prayer Points
March 2019 Fasting and Prayer Points (1st to 3rd)
March 2020 Fasting and Prayer Points (Mar. 1st – 3rd)
March 2021 Fasting Prayer Points (1st to 3rd)
May 2016 Fasting and Prayer Points
May 2017 Fasting and Prayer Points
May 2018 Fasting and Prayer Points
May 2019 Fasting Prayer Points
May 2021 Fasting and Prayer Points (1st to 3rd)
November 2015 Fasting Prayer Points
November 2016 Fasting and Prayer Points
November 2017 Fasting and Prayer Points
November 2018 Fasting Prayer Points
November 2019 Fasting and Prayer Points (Nov. 1st – 3rd)
November 2020 fasting and prayer points (1st to 3rd)
November 2021 Fasting Prayer Points
October 2016 Fasting and Prayer Points
October 2017 Fasting and Prayer Points
October 2018 Fasting Prayer Points
October 2019 Fasting and Prayer Points (Oct. 1st – 3rd)
October 2020 Fasting Prayer Points (October 1st to 3rd)
October 2021 Fasting Prayer Points
October Fasting Prayer Points
September 2015 Fasting Prayer Points
September 2016 Fasting Prayer Points
September 2017 Fasting and Prayer Points
September 2018 Fasting Prayer Points
September 2019 Fasting and Prayer Points (Sept. 1st – 3rd)
September 2020 fasting and prayer points
September 2021 Fasting and Prayer Points
Archive Prophecies
2011 Prophecies: Year of Divine Progress
2012 Prophecies: Year of Divine Liftings!
2013 Prophecies: Year of the King of Glory
2014 Prophecies: Year of Fulfillment
2015 Prophecies: Year of Greatness
2016 Prophecies: Year of Supernatural Lifting
2017 Prophecies: A Year of Supernatural Advancement
2018 Prophecies: Year of Exception and Exemption
2019 Prophecies: Year of the Shining Star
Behold He Comes!
Foundation Class
Father, expose and destroy the plans of the wicked!
GSM Intercessory Guideline - Please Pray
Inspirational Quotes
Father, bridle my tongue
The King in His Beauty - Mercy
The Lord of Hosts – My Preserver!
A new season
Awake: Put on Strength and Beauty!
Be separated and manifest God!
Beautiful feet on the Mountain Top!
Behold God’s Salvation!
Break forth into Joy
Building on the Foundation - Hay
Building on the Foundation – Precious Stones
Building on the Foundation – Silver and Gold
Building on the Foundation - Stubble
Building on the Foundation - Wood
Checkmate the spoiler (Stop the spoiler/arrest the spoiler)
Defeat Your Midianites!
Divine insight, divine instruction, silencing of powerful adversaries
Divine Visitation 2
Even Greater
Father of fathers
Father of fathers: faithfulness in service.
Father, give me a new song as you beat down my oppressors
Father, Revive Your Work with your Awesome Deeds
Father, Revive Your Work with your Awesome Deeds
From suffering, beatings, and being disfigured to beauty and glory
Fruitless Efforts: Come to an End!
Getting there - The Fulfillment
Give thanks in all situations - Part 1
Give thanks in all situations - Part 2
Give Thanks!
God loves families.
Going Forward – Part 1 - Path
Going Forward – Part 2 – The Just
Going Forward – Part 3 – The Shining Light
Going Forward – Part 4 – More and More
Going Forward – Part 5 – Perfect Day!
Grace and Glory
Gracious Waiting!
Happy Father's Day - Behold Your Father!
His eye sees every precious thing
His Love Has Lifted Me
Hope through comfort
Identify the spoiler
In the Beginning
In the End
In The Middle
Increase in Stature and Wisdom Back to School Blessings
Joy in suffering
King David - From Herdsman to Kingship
King David - Herdsman to Kingship - Moving from Lowliness to Limelight
King David - Slaying the Giants: Slay the Giants Confronting You!
Light of the World
Lord, have your way in the whirlwind and the storm
Midst of the year!
More Than Conquerors
Mother’s Day: The Unrelenting Mother! - Hannah
Moving from Ashes to Beauty
Prudency and Very High Exaltation!
Pursue and Overtake Your Enemies
Rage of destruction – Be Still!
Realization and Accomplishment
Realizing and benefiting from prophecies and 2021
Redemption through Jesus
Remember Mercy
Restful Success
Risen from the Dead: Newness of Life?
Shake yourself, arise, and be delivered!
Some of the Benefits of Thanksgiving Unto the Lord
Thank you Lord – You are faithful!!
Thanksgiving and Divine Visitation
Thanksgiving and Power of Resurrection: Come Alive! – Part 2
Thanksgiving and the Excellency of knowing Christ
The Arm of the Wicked
The Eater: Mouth of the Eater
The Favor of God!
The fellowship of His Sufferings: Feeling abandoned
The fellowship of His Sufferings: Unanswered prayers
The fellowship of His Sufferings-Suffering in the flesh, imprisonment
The Hands of the Almighty
The Hands of the Wicked
The Inheritance that does Not Fade Away
The Inspiration of the Almighty
The King in His Beauty
The King in His Beauty - Righteousness - Part 1
The King in His Beauty - Righteousness - Part 2
The King in His Beauty - Salvation
The King in His Power
The King of Glory – Part 1 – Territory
The King of Glory – Part 2 – Mercy
The King of Glory - Part 3 - Love
The King of Glory – Part 4 – Deliverance
The King of Love – Joy
The King of Love – Peace
The King of Love – Righteousness
The King of Love – The Kingdom of God
The King Who is Reigning
The Lord of Hosts My Defender & Back to school prayers
The Lord of Hosts My Deliverer
The Lord will preserve your ways and go before you!
The Power in the Name of the Lord of Hosts!
The Power of Resurrection – Part 1
The Power of Revelation!
The Progression - Faith
The Progression – In a Moment
The Progression - Like a Flint
The Progression – The Mixed Multitude
The rage of the wicked will not overcome you
The Reigning King
The Rising – From Death to Life
The Rising - Reigning as gods
The Rising - Reigning as kings
The Rising – Proclaiming the Kingdom
The Savior who saves
The Trial of Your Faith
There Shall Be No Loss!
Unrelenting Love – A Mother's Love, The God's Kind of Love
Uprooting Foundational Problems
Victory by the Hands of the Almighty
Victory in Jesus
Watching and seeing great things of joy
Why Should I Thank God?
New Life
Our Beliefs
Our Vision
Pastor Profile
I will not miss my inheritance
2022 Prayer and Fasting: Year of Beauty, Supernatural Transformation
2022 Prophecies - Prayers to establish the prophecies
2023 Prayer and Fasting: Year of Reawakening and Beauty
2024 Prayer and Fasting: Year of Even Greater!
April 2022 Fasting Prayer Points
April 2023 Fasting Prayer Points
April 2024 Fasting Prayer Points
August 2022 Fasting and Prayer Points
August 2023 Fasting Prayer Points
August 2024 Fasting and Prayer Points
December 2022 fasting prayer points
Father! Settle Me!
Father, establish me in joy
Father, reveal the spoilers
February 2022 Fasting Prayer Points
February 2023 Fasting Prayer Points
February 2024 Fasting Prayer Points
Fountain of life (Psalm 36:9)
New Page
From death to life – Part 1 (John 11)
From death to life – Part 2 (Luke 8:40-56)
From death to life – Part 3 (Luke 7:11-17)
From lameness to leaping and dancing (Acts 3:1-10)
From Trials to Testimonies
Healing of the woman with infirmity of eighteen years
I ascend to my high places by the Hands of the Almighty
I have made you a Defenced City!
I obtain enduring victory by the Hands of the Almighty
I will attain God’s ordained goal for my life
I will not wait in vain
Increase in Stature and Wisdom: Back to School Prayers
July 2022 Fasting and Prayer Points
July 2023 Fasting Prayer Points
July 2024 Prayer Points
June 2022 Fasting and Prayer Points
June 2023 Fasting Prayer Points
March 2022 Fasting Prayer Points
March 2023 Fasting Prayer Points
March 2024 Fasting Prayer Points
May 2022 Fasting and Prayer Points
May 2023 Fasting and Prayer Points
Midianites Stop! Oppression Stop!
My new song and victory have come
New Cruse (2 Kings 2:19-22)
November 2022 Fasting and Prayer Points
November 2023 Fasting Prayer Points
October 2022 fasting and prayer points
October 2023 Fasting Prayer Points
October 2024 Fasting Prayer Points
Personal Pandemic Prayer Points
Prayers against the Rage of Destruction
Prayers for mercy
Prayers for Victory
Problems starring me in the face, disappear
September 2022 Fasting and Prayer Points
September 2023 Fasting Prayer Points
September 2024 Fasting Prayer Points
Sounds of Marching on Top!
The Axe head will swim again (2 Kings 6:1-7)
The hands of the wicked shall fail over my life
The healing touch (Matthew 8:1-4)
The second touch (Mark 8:22-26)
Wall of Partition – Break!
Praying Through The Bible From The Beginning
Genesis 1
Genesis 2
Genesis 3
Genesis 4
Genesis 5
Genesis 6
2020 Prophecies: Year of Glowing Glory
2021 Prophecies - Rapturous Year of Joy and Bliss
2022 Prophecies: Year of Ashes to Beauty
2023 Prophecies: Year of Reawakening and Beauty
2024 Prophecies: Year of His Majesty - The Year of Even Greater!
Strengthening and Encouragement
A New Beginning
And the river went out...
Angels are available
Are you in His Presence?
Are you suffering for their sins?
Athaliah will fail concerning you
Attacked from before and behind? You will win!
Come what may...
Congratulations on your election!
Congratulations! - You are a midwife!
Covenanted by Salt?
Cry Out!
Deal with your Apharsathchites!
Deal With Your Herod
Deal With Your Herod - Part 2
Destined to Reign
Destroying the future?
Develop The Mindset that Conquers -The Joseph - Like Mindset
Divine Power
Divine Visitation?
Do you measure up?
Don’t Die
Don’t leave your servant there!
Don't be surprised! - You can jump over walls!
Don't rely on the fake
Dream Liftings!
Excuse Me Lord, I Have Some Questions!
Found by Mercy!
From king to kingmaker
Get Ready! Exceptional favor is coming!
Get ready! The impossible will be possible for you!
Give kudos to the Governor!
Give Thanks
Go out!
God cares about you
God is with you
God of creativity
God still plants gardens...
God will be faithful to you
God will guide you by the skillfulness of His hands
God will strengthen you
Greater Heights!
Handcuff Your Jonadab!
Happy Easter and Welcome to a New Dawn
Happy Mother's Day
He is holding you!
He is risen!
He loves hearing your voice
He will complete it!
His grace is all you need
His Love is Everlasting...
Hosanna in the Highest!
How are you faring?
I Will Rise
In chains?
In the name of...
In What?
In your face? (1)
In your face? (2)
Is your ally with you?
Ishbosheth: Powers are Powers!
It is finished!
King Arad must bow!
King Hezekiah: Keep your secrets secret!
King of the Future
Let God Speak Part 2
Let God Speak….
Look Around!
May God Remember You in His Faithfulness
May God send you a helper!
More than a conqueror
Nauseating? Turn...!
Negative prophecies shall fail.
No one but you!
Pandemic: Your balm of refuge and healing in uncertain times
Pointing fingers! Watch for withers!
Positive or negative growth
Rest from anxiety
Sennacherib will not prevail over you!
Set up?
Shallum: Retribution and Significance
Strength in times of failings
Suffering Triumphantly?
The Light that lightens...
The Lord is passing by!
The Lord Remembers You!
The still small voice!
These turn of events...
Tingling ears
Victory is sure!
Watch your building!
Welcome To A New Season!
Welcome to completion!
When God Seems Silent in Challenging Times
When you are up against the wall: Face the wall
Where do you stand?
Where will you run to?
Which God?
Which path? - Colorado Killings: You shall not be next...
Will you be honored?
Wrong accusation will not prevail!
You have been warned
You are Blessed!
You will be marvelously helped!
You will be victorious
You will sing!
Your angel is standing by
Your fire will come down!
Your much required Second Touch!
Zechariah: Defeating conspiracies and seasoned conspirators
Teaching and study materials - Q & A and Strengthen Your Faith
Bible Study Methods Questions and Answers
Bible Study Methods Summary
Genesis: Questions and Answers
Isaiah: Questions and Answers
John: Gospel According to John's Questions and Answers
New Testament Questions and Answers
New Testament Summary
Old Testament Questions and Answers
Old Testament Summary
Proverbs: Questions and Answers
Romans: Questions and Answers
Systematic Theology Questions and Answers
Systematic Theology Summary
Thanksgiving and Divine Visitation
Victory in Jesus